S7 / BNC cable

For pH-electrodes, 1m cable length

Order No.: 6030-0090
Pricing information is only available for customers. Please log in.


Suitable for

pH 80+ DHS bench meter basic-Set, without electrode
COND 51+ Set with conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC
COND 51+ Set without conductivity electrode
COND 60 Set with conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC
COND 61 Set without conductivity electrode
COND 8+ Set incl. conductivity cell 2301T with ATC
COND 8+ Set with Conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC and magnetic stirrer
COND 8+ Set without conductivity electrode
COND 8+ Set without Conductivity electrode, with magnetic stirrer
COND 80+ Set with LF-electrode Glass-Pt VPT80/1
COND 80+ Set with LF-electrode Glass-Pt VPT80/1 and magnetic stirrer
COND 80+ Set without Conductivity electrode
COND 80+ Set without Conductivity electrode, with magnetic stirrer
PC 50+ DHS Set inkl. DHS pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 50+ DHS Set inkl. pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 50+ DHS Set without pH electrode, with conductivity cell 2301T
PC 62 DHS Set without pH-electrode,with conductivity cell 2301T
PC 62 DHS Set incl. DHS pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 62 DHS Set inkl. pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 7+ DHS Set with DHS pH-electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 7+ DHS Set with pH-electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T
PC 7+ DHS Set with conductivity cell 2301T, without pH-electrode
PC 70+ DHS Set with DHS pH-electrode and conductivity cell 2301T,
PC 70+ DHS Set with conductivity cell 2301T, without pH-electrode
PC 70+ DHS Set without pH-electrode, with conductivity cell 2301T,
PC 8 Set inkl. pH- and conductivity cell
PC 8 Set without pH- and conductivity probe, incl. magnetic-stirrer
PC 80 bench meter Set incl. pH-probe, conductivity cell glass and magnetic stirrer
PC 80 bench meter Set without pH- and conductivity probe, incl. magnetic stirrer
pH 50+ DHS incl. DHS pH-electrode 201T
pH 50+ DHS Set bench meter incl. pH-electrode 201T
pH 50+ DHS bench meter kit incl. connection cable for pH-Electrode, without electrode
pH 60 DHS Set incl. DHS pH-electrode 201T and memory function
pH 60 DHS Set incl. pH-electrode 201T and memory function
pH 60 DHS Set with memory function, without pH-electrode
pH 7+ FOOD Set with special insertion probe 2 PORE T
pH 7+ DHS Set FOOD Set with special DHS insertion probe 2 PORE T
pH 7+ DHS Set 1 with DHS electrode 201T
pH 7+ DHS Set 1 with electrode 201T
pH 7+ DHS Set 2 with GEL-electrode
pH 7+ DHS Set without pH-electrode
pH 70+ DHS Set with electrode 201T and memory function
pH 70+ DHS FOOD Set with special DHS insertion electrode 2 PORE T
pH 70+ DHS FOOD Set with special insertion probe 2 PORE T
pH 70+ DHS Set with DHS electrode 201T and memory function
pH 70+ DHS Set with data logger function, without pH-Sensor
pH 8+ DHS bench meter set, with DHS pH-electrode Standard T, with magnetic stirrer and accessories
pH 8+ DHS bench meter set, with DHS pH-electrode Standard T
pH 8+ bench meter set, without electrode
pH 8+ bench meter set, without electrode, with magnetic stirrer and accessories
pH 80+ DHS bench meter basic-Set with DHS pH electrode Standard T
pH 80+ DHS bench meter Set incl. magnet stirrer, without electrode
pH 80+ DHS bench meter Set witt DHS pH electrode Standard T and magnetic stirrer
pH-Sensor 2 PORE K with knife
PH Instrument-Set 2
pH-Sensor 2 PORE F Polymer
pH-Sensor 2 PORE K without knife
pH-Sensor 2 PORE Polymer
pH-Sensor 2 PORE SLIM Polymer
pH-Sensor FLAT Polymer for surface measurements e.g. paper or skin
pH-Sensor FLOW KCI 3M for viscous sample and low ion media
pH-Sensor FOOD Glycerin KCI
pH-Sensor FOOD SLIM Glycerin KCI
pH-Sensor GEL for general application
pH-Sensor MICRO KCI 3M for small volumes of samples < 2 ml
pH-Sensor MICRO P Glycerin KCI for small volumes of samples < 2 ml with proteins
pH-Sensor MICRO SPECIAL KCI 3M for measurements in NMR tubes
pH-Sensor Polymer for fluids
pH-Sensor Polymer with insertion tip
pH-Sensor SEMI MICRO KCI 3M for test tube measurements
pH-Sensor Standard HA KCI 3M for highly alkaline products
pH-Sensor Standard HF KCI 3M for measurement of hydrochloric acid
pH-Sensor Standard KCI 3M for general application
pH-Sensor ZAVATRODE Glycerin KCI for Cheese measurement
PHM 230 pH-instrument incl. temperature sensor
Redox-Sensor PLAST ORP GEL with Platinum pin for ORP/REDOX
Redox-Sensor STANDARD AG KNO 1M with silver tip for argenometric titration
WAM 235 Analysis- instrument
WAM 235 Analysis- instrument