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Temperature-Humidity instrument with MAX-MIN function
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Temperature-Humidity instrument with MAX-MIN function and external temperature/humidity...
Temperature-Humidity instrument with indicated dewpoint and alarm-function LED)
Combination instrument for temperature and humidity
Perfectly designed instrument for climatic measurements(HVAC branch). Crytical...
Perfectly designed for HVAC engineers. By simultaneous measurement of dewpoint and...
For moisture measurements of wood and cinstruction materials
Perfectly designed for service moisture checks on construction materials. Indicates...
For indoor climate specialists. By simultaneous measurement of dewpoint and surface...
High accurate 1-channel handheld thermometer, max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)
High accrate 2-channel handheld thermometer. Max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)
High precision data logger for temperature (±0,03), relative humidity, dew...
For moisture measuring of wood
For moisture measurment of wood and construction material
Mould detector with humidity sensor
High precision instrument for temperature (±0,01) and relative humidty with...
The two multi-function-instruments are outstanding for theri high accuracy of...
High precsision 2- channel instrument with 0,01°C and bluetooth- connection for...