Bench intruments

bench instruments for measuring pH and many other variables. Various models also available with a buil-in magnetic stirrer. The devices are ideally suited for use in laboratory, measuring room or for quality controls during production. 

DHS electrodes are all equipped with internal chip that store different parameters. Date of last calibration, model and production batch of the electrode. All the data stored in the sensor chip are automatically transferred to the instrument with DHS-function. After a new calibration of the DHS-electrode the data is automatically stored in the electrode chip. If you move this electrode to another DHS-enabled instrument, you can start working immediately and with extrem security as the data from the last calibration will automatically transfered and used for pH-measurement.

pH 80+ DHS bench meter basic-Set, without electrode

pH-Set incl. instrument, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor NT55, pH buffer solutions pH...

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COND 51+ Set with conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, conductivity electrode 2301T with automatic...

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COND 51+ Set without conductivity electrode

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode holder, calibration solutions 1413...

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COND 60 Set with conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, conductivity electrode 2301T with automatic...

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COND 61 Set without conductivity electrode

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode holder, calibration solutions 1413...

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COND 8+ Set incl. conductivity cell 2301T with ATC

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode, electrode holder, calibration...

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COND 8+ Set with Conductivity electrode 2301T with ATC and magnetic stirrer

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode, magnetic stirrer, electrode...

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COND 8+ Set without conductivity electrode

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode holder, calibration solutions 1413...

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COND 8+ Set without Conductivity electrode, with magnetic stirrer

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, magnetic stirrer, electrode holder, calibration...

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COND 80+ Set with LF-electrode Glass-Pt VPT80/1

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, LF-electrode VPT80/1 electrode...

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COND 80+ Set with LF-electrode Glass-Pt VPT80/1 and magnetic stirrer

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, LF-electrode VPT80/1 electrode holder, magnetic...

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COND 80+ Set without Conductivity electrode

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode holder, calibration solutions 1413...

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COND 80+ Set without Conductivity electrode, with magnetic stirrer

Conductivity-Set incl. instrument, electrode holder, magnetic...

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PC 50+ DHS Set inkl. DHS pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T

PC 52+ Set incl. pH-elektrode DHS 201T and conductivity...

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PC 50+ DHS Set inkl. pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T

PC 52+ Set incl. pH-elektrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T with...

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PC 50+ DHS Set without pH electrode, with conductivity cell 2301T

PC 52+ Set incl. conductivity cell 2301T with ATC, cable S7/BNC,...

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PC 62 DHS Set without pH-electrode,with conductivity cell 2301T

PC 62 Set incl. conductivity cell 2301T with ATC, cable S7/BNC,...

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PC 62 DHS Set incl. DHS pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T

PC 62 DHS Set incl. DHS pH-elektrode 201T and conductivity...

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PC 62 DHS Set inkl. pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T

PC 62 Set incl. pH-elektrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T with...

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PC 8 Set inkl. pH- and conductivity cell

PC 8 Set incl. pH-elektrode DE Polymer and conductivity cell 2301T with...

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PC 8 Set without pH- and conductivity probe, incl. magnetic-stirrer

PC 8 Set incl. pH-elektrode DE Polymer and conductivity cell 2301T with...

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PC 80 bench meter Set incl. pH-probe, conductivity cell glass and magnetic stirrer

PC 80 set incl. pH-electrode DE Standard S7, 1m cable length S7 /...

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PC 80 bench meter Set without pH- and conductivity probe, incl. magnetic stirrer

PC 80 set incl. cable S7 / BNC, pH-buffer solution pH4 , pH7 and...

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pH 8+ DHS bench meter set, with DHS pH-electrode Standard T, with magnetic stirrer and accessories

pH-Set incl. instrument DHS pH electrode Standard T, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor...

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pH 8+ bench meter set, without electrode, with magnetic stirrer and accessories

pH-Set inkl. instrument, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor NT55, pH buffer solutions pH...

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pH 50+ DHS incl. DHS pH-electrode 201T

pH-Set inkl. instrument,DHS  pH-electrode 201T with internal temperature sensor,...

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pH 50+ DHS bench meter kit incl. connection cable for pH-Electrode, without electrode

pH-Set incl. instrument without pH-electrode, electrode holder, buffer solutions...

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pH 80+ DHS bench meter Set witt DHS pH electrode Standard T and magnetic stirrer

pH-Set inkl. instrument, DHS electrode Standard T cable S7/BNC,...

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pH 50+ DHS Set bench meter incl. pH-electrode 201T

pH-Set inkl. instrument, pH-electrode 201T with internal temperature sensor, electrode...

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pH 60 DHS Set incl. DHS pH-electrode 201T and memory function

pH-Set inkl. instrument,DHS  pH-electrode 201T with internal temperature sensor,...

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pH 60 DHS Set incl. pH-electrode 201T and memory function

pH-Set inkl. instrument,pH-electrode 201T with internal temperature sensor, electrode...

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pH 60 DHS Set with memory function, without pH-electrode

pH-Set without pH-electrode, with internal temperature sensor, electrode holder,...

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pH 80+ DHS bench meter Set incl. magnet stirrer, without electrode

pH-Set inkl. instrument, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor NT55, pH buffer solutions pH...

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pH 8+ DHS bench meter set, with DHS pH-electrode Standard T

pH-Set inkl. instrument, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor NT55, pH buffer solutions pH...

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pH 8+ bench meter set, without electrode

pH-Set inkl. instrument, cable S7/BNC, temperature sensor NT55, pH buffer solutions pH...

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pH 80+ DHS bench meter basic-Set with DHS pH electrode Standard T

pH-Set incl. instrument, DHS pH electrode Standard T, cable S7/BNC,...

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