PC 50+ DHS Set inkl. pH electrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T

PC 52+ Set incl. pH-elektrode 201T and conductivity cell 2301T with ATC, cable S7/BNC, pH buffer solution pH4, pH7 and electrode holder


Ideal pH/conductivity bench-instrument for measuring pH and conductivity of fluids and other materials during quality control in laboratories and production.


Order No.: 5040-0228
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Technical data

Measuring range pH

0...14 pH


0,1 / 0,01

Accuracy + - 0,02
Calibration points

1...3 plus 2 points defined by user

Buffer recognized


Indication of calibration points Yes
Indication electrode condition Yes
Criteria of measurement stability Medium
mV (Redox) measuring range

+ - 1000 mV


1 mV

Measuring range conductivity 0,00...20,00 - 200 - 2000 uS / 2,00 - 20,00 - 200 mS
Resolution / Relative accuracy

Automatic scale / + - 2% full scale

Calibrations points conductivity 1...4
Indication of cell condition Yes
Indication of calibration standard Yes
Calibration standard recognized 84, 1413 uS / 12,88, 111,8 mS, 1 Point user defined
Type of cell


Cell constant

0,1 / 1 / 10

TC Temperature coefficient 0,00...10,00% / °C
TR Reference temperature 15...30°C
TDS measuring range

0,01 mg/L...200 g/L

TDS Factor 0,40...1,00
Relative accuracy + -1% full scale
Measuring range Temperature


Resolution / Accuracy

0,1°C / 0,5°C

Temperature compensation

Automatic / Manual (NTC 30 KOhm) 0...100°C

Temperature calibration Yes

Dot matrix, 2 colors


BNC and Chinch/RCA (ATC)

IP protection class IP 54
Power supply

230 V power supply

Dimensions / Weight

160 x 185 x 70mm / 550g


Sensor Elektrolyte solution 3M KCI, 75ml bottle
CAL-Set COND Sachet Conductivity (10x EC 1413 µS and 10x EC 12880 µS) incl. certificate of analysis
CAL-Set PC Sachet Conductivity and pH (6x EC 1413 µS, 7x pH 4,01 red and 7x pH 7,00 green) incl. certificate of analysis
CAL-Set Sachet PH (10x pH 4,01 red and 10x pH 7,00 green with certificate of analysis
CAL-Set TRIS Sachet PH (7x pH 4,01 red and 7x pH 7,00 green plus 6x pH 10,01 yellow) with certificate of analysis
Diaphragma Cleaning soultion (Thiourea), 250 ml bottle
Diaphragma Cleaning soultion (Thiourea), 75ml bottle
Electrode holder
Calibration solution Conductivity 1,3 µS, 300 ml in glass bottle incl. DFM-certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 1,3 µS, 300 ml in glass bottle incl. NIST-certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 12880 uS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 12880 µS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DFM - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 1413 µS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DFM - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 1413 uS, 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 147 uS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DFM - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 147 uS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. NIST - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 5 µS, 300 ml in glass bottle incl. DFM-certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 5 µS, 300 ml in glass bottle incl. N.I.S.T-certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 84 uS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DFM - certificate
Calibration solution Conductivity 84 uS, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 10, 250ml Easy to use bottle, DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 10, 250ml Easy to use bottle, N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 10, 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 10, 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Buffer solution pH 4, 250ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Buffer solution pH 4, 250ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Buffer solution pH 4, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Buffer solution pH 4, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 7, 250 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 7, 250 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 7, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 7, 500 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9, 250 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9, 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9,21 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9,21 500ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T. - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9,21, 250 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. DAKKS - certificate
Calibration solution pH 9,21, 250 ml Easy to use bottle, incl. N.I.S.T - certificate
Calibration solution Redox/ORR 200 mV, 250ml, with N.I.S.T - certificate
Calibration solution Redox/ORR 475 mV, 250ml, with N.I.S.T - certificate
Calibration solution Redox/ORR 475 mV, 500ml, with N.I.S.T - certificate
Magnetic stirrer for 8s series
Magnet stirrer
Refill-Set COND Sachet Conductivity (7x EC 1413 µS, 7x EC 12880 µS and 2x dest. water) incl. certificate of analysis
Refill-Set PC Conductivity/ pH (5x EC 1413 µS, 5x pH 4,01, 5x pH 7,00, 3x water 2x storage sol.) incl. certificate of analysis
Refill-Set pH (6 x pH 4,01. 6x pH 7,00 , 6x dest. water and 2x storage solution) incl. certificate of analysis
NT 55 external Temperature sensor with 1m cable and RCA/Cinch connector
Protein cleaning solution Pepsin, 250ml bottle
Regeneration solution for pH-electrodes, 75ml bottle
S7 / BNC cable
Sachets storage solution 20 pcs.
Sachets distilled water 20 pcs.
Sachets Buffer solution 20 pcs. Conductivity 12880 µS, with certificate of analysis
Sachets Buffer solution 20 pcs. Conductivity 1413 µS, with certificate of analysis
Sachets Buffer solution 20 pcs. pH 10,01, yellow with certificate of analysis
Sachets Buffer solution 20 pcs. pH 4,01, red with certificate of analysis
Sachets Buffer solution 20 pcs. pH 7,00, green with certificate of analysis
Storage solution for pH-sensors, 500ml bottle
Storage solution for pH-sensors, 75ml bottle
Sensor Elektrolyte solution 3M KCI, 500ml bottle
Sensor Elektrolyte solution Glycerin KCI, 75ml bottle
Sensor Elektrolyte solution KN03 1M for standard sensor Ag, 75ml bottle
