
Our tools: thermometer, data logger, soundlevel- and light meters.

Flash III  Infrarot-Thermometer

Flash III Infrared thermometer

For contact-free measuring of surface temperature. Ideal for DIY. With laser...

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P4010 Profi Thermometer, 1-channel, Thermocouple Type-K

Particularly handy and robust temperture instrument, for thermo-couple-probes. The high...

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TC 301 2-Kanal Temperaturmessgerät

TC 301 2-channel temperature instrument

2-channel instrument, type K, with USB-interface,

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HumidCheck Materialfeuchtemessgerät

HumidCheck Moisture measuring instrument

For moisture measurements of wood and cinstruction materials

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HumidCheck Pro Holzfeuchtemessgerät

HumidCheck Pro Wood moisture meter

For moisture measuring of wood

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LM37 Luxmeter

LM37 Luxmeter

Perfectly designed for checking light levels at working places, industrial and private...

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Mini-K Industrie-Thermometer

Mini-K industry thermometer

Robust, watertight type K instrument, auto-off-function, with magnet-holder

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HumidCheck Mini Materialfeuchtemessgerät

HumidCheck Mini Moisture measuring instrument

For moisture measurment of wood and construction material

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HumidCheck Non-Contact Materialfeuchtemessgerät

HumidCheck Non-Contact Moisture measuring instrument

Perfectly designed for service moisture checks on construction materials. Indicates...

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RH 896 Infrarot-Thermometer

RH 896 Infrared thermometer with hygrometer

Perfectly designed for HVAC engineers. By simultaneous measurement of dewpoint and...

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RH898 Infrared thermometer

Perfectly designed for HVAC engineers. By simultaneous measurement of dewpoint and...

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LOG 110 Temperatur + Feuchte +  Input f. ext. Sensor

LOG 110 Temperature + Humidity + Input f. ext. sensor

For transportation and storage

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Lumatic Extreme LED Taschenlampe

Lumatic Extreme LED-Flashlight

LED-flashlight with CREE-LED

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LOG 110-EXF mit externem Feuchte-Temperatur Sensor

LOG 110-EXF with external temperature-humidity sensor+ input for external T-sensor

For transportation and storage

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LOG 110 Starterset  inkl. Software und USB-Kabel

LOG 110 Starterset incl. software and USB cable

For transportation and storage

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Lumatic Super Focus Stirnlampe

Headlight Lumatic Super Focus

LED-Headlight with CREE-LED 

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Lumatic Spot Taschenlampe

Lumatic Spot Flashlight

LED-flashlight 3W CREE-LED

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Combination instrument for temperature and humidity

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Perfectly designed for checking light levels at working places,industrial and private...

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Scan Temp RH 860 Video-Infrarot-Thermometer mit Feuchtesensor

Scan Temp RH 860 Infrared Video thermometer with humidity sensor

For indoor climate specialists. By simultaneous measurement of dewpoint and surface...

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ThermoJack Einstech Klappthermometer

ThermoJack Watertight folding Pocket thermometer

Fold-out thermometer in pocket-size, for easy temperature measurements in liquid,...

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FlashStick Infrarot-Thermometer

FlashStick Infrared thermometer

For contact-free measuring of surface temperature in 1 second. Simply aim at the object...

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ThermoJack PRO Klappthermometer

ThermoJack PRO fold-out thermometer

Fold-out thermometer in pocket-size, for easy temperature measurements in liquid,...

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LOG 20 Temperatur und Feuchte

LOG 20 Temperaure and humditiy

For transportation and storage

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LOG 20 Starterset inkl. Software und USB-Kabel

LOG 20 Starterset incl. software and USB-cable

For transportation and storage

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Feuchte-Temperaturlogger LOG 32 TH

LOG 32 TH PDF- data logger for temperature and humidity

Temperature-humidity logger with integrated USB-interface and automatic...

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LOG 32 T PDF- data logger for temperature

Temperature logger with integrated USB-interface and automatic PDF-creation,...

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LOG 32 THP   PDF-Datenlogger für Temperatur, Feuchte und Druck

LOG 32 THP PDF- data logger for temperature, humidity and pressure

Temperature-humidity-pressure logger with integrated USB-interface and...

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ISO-Werkszertifikat -20..+200°C

ISO Calibration certificate

Service: Device Testing with deviation documentation(calibration report)

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ISO-Werkszertifikat -90..-21°C

ISO Calibration certificate

Service: Device Testing with deviation documentation(calibration report)

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ISO-Werkszertifikat +201..+1200°C

ISO Calibration certificate

Service: Device Testing with deviation documentation(calibration report)

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DAkkS-Kalibrierzertifikat(EN 17025) -80..+1200°C

DAkkS Calibration certificate (EN 17025) -80..+1200°C

Service: Device Testing with deviation documentation according to EN 17025(calibration...

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Temperaturaufzeichnung - LOG200 Datenlogger

LOG200 PDF- data logger with display for temperature

Temperature logger for temperature monitoring inclusive motion sensor. Integrated...

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Temperaturaufzeichnung - LOG220 Datenlogger

LOG220 PDF- data logger with display for temperature, humidity and pressure

Temperature logger for...

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P4015 Profi Thermometer, 2-channel, Thermocouple Type-K

Particularly handy and robust temperture instrument, for thermo-couple-probes. The high...

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ScanTemp 895

Mould detector with humidity sensor

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LOG200 TC PDF- data logger with display for temperature internaly and twice externally

Temperature logger for temperature monitoring inclusive motion sensor. Integrated...

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LOG210 PDF- data logger with display for temperature and humidity

Temperature logger for temperature- and humidity. Monitoring inclusive motion...

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LOG200E PDF- data logger with display for temperature internaly and external PT100 probe

Temperature logger for temperature monitoring inclusive motion sensor. Integrated...

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LOG220E PDF- data logger with display for temperature, humidity,pressure and CO2

Data logger for temperature, humidity and pressure internal...

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TC 319 4-channel Thermocouple instrument with data logger function

For thermocouples Type K,J, E,T, with USb-interface, 16.000 measurement memory per channel

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LOG210 TC PDF- data logger with display for temperature/humidity internaly and twice externally

Temperature logger for temperature monitoring inclusive motion sensor. Integrated...

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LoRa®SPY GATEWAY ETHERNET VDC Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY...

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LoRa SPY T1 Wireless data logger with internal temperature sensor and light detector

Wireless data logger with display, internal sensor -30...+70°C and light detector....

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LoRa SPY T2 Wireless data logger with external temperature sensor

Wireless data logger with display and external temperature sensor...

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LoRa SPY T2 "Incubator" Wireless data logger with external temperature sensor

Wireless data logger with display and external temperature sensor...

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LoRa SPY T3 Wireless data logger with external 6m temperature sensor

Wireless data logger with display and external temperature sensor...

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LoRa SPY TH Wireless data logger with internal temperature/humidity sensor

Wireless data logger with display and internal Temperature/Humidity probe. Complete...

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LoRa SPY U Wireless data logger for external PT100, ON/OFF and 4-20 mA

Wireless data logger for external PT100, ON/0FF and 4-20 mA Complete explanation of...

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LoRa SPY Digital Wireless data logger for digital sensors

Wireless data logger for digital sensors Complete explanation of the system in our...

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LoRa SPY REF with external 3m PT100 temperature sensor

Wireless data logger with external 3m PT100 temperature sensor Complete...

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LoRa®SPY GATEWAY ETHERNET VDC Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY...

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LoRa®SPY MICRO GATEWAY ETHERNET VDC Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa...

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LoRa®SPY MICRO GATEWAY 4G Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY...

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Wall mount for LoRa® SPY

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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Protection case for LoRa®SPY

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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IP66 Protection case for LoRa®SPY

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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Replacement battery for LoRa®SPY

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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Identification rings blue for LoRa®SPY logger (10 pieces)

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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Identification rings red for LoRa®SPY logger (10 pieces)

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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Identification rings green for LoRa®SPY logger (10 pieces)

Complete explanation of the system in our LoRa SPY brochure under "Downloads"

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LoRa SPY T0 Wireless data logger with internal temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, internal sensor -40...+85°C. Including status...

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Nano SPY T1 Wireless data logger with internal temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, internal sensor -40...+85°C. Including status...

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Nano SPY T2 Wireless data logger with external temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, external 3m sensor -40...+85°C. Including...

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Nano SPY T2 "Incubator" Wireless data logger with external 8m temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, external 8m sensor -40...+85°C. Including...

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Nano SPY T2 "Incubator" Wireless data logger with external 3m temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, external 3m sensor -50...+105°C. Including...

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Nano SPY T3 HIGH Wireless data logger with external 3m temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, external 3m sensor 0...+200°C. Including...

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Nano SPY T3 LOW Wireless data logger with external 3m temperature sensor

Wireless data logger without display, external 3m sensor -200...0°C. Including...

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Nano SPY TH Wireless data logger with internal Temperature/Humidity Sensor

Wireless data logger without display with internal temperature/humidity...

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LOG40 PDF- data logger with display for temperature and external sensors

LOG40 is perfectly designed for product transportation or storage applications.

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TC2012 12-channel thermocouple data logger for temperature

A perfectly designed instrument for multichannel measurements, or when measurement...

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MT 870 Thickness gauge instrument

Ultrasonic material thickness gauge for measuring material thickness of metals, glass,...

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